I had a great time at this year’s Wondercon (as usual).

All ready to enter Artist Alley to check out all of the cool art and everyone’s new books.

The Batmobile, driven by Michael Keaton, the original conceptual illustrations for this design were drafted by Julian Caldow, under direction from Tim Burton and Anton Furst. It’s my personal opinion that the Michael Keaton batman had the best everything!

There is absolutely no denying the impact that Batman has had on pop culture. Bruce Wayne first appeared in Detective Comics #27 on March 30, 1939, which means the actual date of the 80th anniversary falls squarely during WonderCon Anaheim 2019.

A little Game of Thrones cosplay outside on the steps in front of the fountain.

Caught the panel for Jordan Peel’s new Twilight Zone reboot, with some of the producers, composers, and staff, moderated by Ginnifer Goodwin.

Before heading out, I had to have the 24K gold-plated ice cream cone at Snowopolis in Anaheim, CA.