Highlights from my trip to view the “Tales From La Vida” art exhibit last weekend in Columbus, Ohio.

Highlights from my trip to view the “Tales From La Vida” art exhibit last weekend in Columbus, Ohio.
I am happy to be participating in the 2016 Sol Con in Columbus, Ohio this year. On Friday evening, I will be on the Fantasy & Fandom panel which runs from 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. at Ohio State University in the MLK Jr. Room, Hale Hall. Afterwards, join us at The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum for a reception, meet Sol-Con and CXC Guests, see the exhibitions, enjoy some appetizers and grab a drink at the cash bar.
On Saturday & Sunday I will be tabling at Sol Con with my new book SPADRA Issue Number 2. Please stop by my table to read my books.